
Ice-breaking night

For the second time during this semester, the Mentorship Team from the University of Padua organised this month a fun event for international and Italian Unipd students, aimed to enhance the communication among people with different backgrounds and cultures, and, obviously, to have fun together.


Given that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose many obstacles to our everyday lives, we decided that we all needed a break, trying to make this time a little more enjoyable. Therefore, the purpose of the ice-breaking night was to meet the students and, why not, create new friendships.


For this reason, we prepared an absolutely interesting quiz on Italian facts related to culture, education, and customs, which was enhanced by the discussions that arose in response to the quiz’s questions. Further, at a later moment, the second activity of the night was Skribbl, a free multiplayer drawing and guessing game, with which we had a lot of fun and the international students had the opportunity to learn new Italian words.


Without a doubt, the event helped us in breaking down inherent barriers and getting to know each other better. In light of this, we are certain that if in the future they need assistance from our team, they will not hesitate to contact us. And that is exactly what we do in the Unipd community: we build bridges and break down walls.

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